CRT welcomed Ms. Jigjidmaa Dugeree from the International Finance Corporation of the World Bank Group, and Mr. Azlan Ahmad together with Mr. Nurul Fahmy Latin from Pelaburan Mara Berhad, a prominent Government-Linked-Corporation (GLC) from Malaysia. The meeting was also graced with the presence of Mr. Pongpanu Svetarundra, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Thailand Greenhouse Gas Management Organization (TGO).

Ms. Dugeree introduced her partners CCRCC from the government of Mongolia who were eager to learn from the successful experiences of Thailand in establishing a greenhouse gas organization and carbon registry. CRT is glad to facilitate and share its expertise in this field of carbon sequestration projects, ESG, green event planning, and in satellite remote sensing technology with the government of Mongolia. Ms. Dugeree stressed that the International Finance Corporation by World Bank Group is committed to providing sustainable and green financial services for qualified projects in developing countries.
CRT’s partner PMB was also amazed with the carbon satellite technology. PMB agrees to further study CRT’s program and methodologies for implementation in Malaysia.